Can my child wear jewellery in school?
The school does not allow the wearing of jewelleries as these can cause unnecessary accidents.
What should I do if my child is absent from school?
Please call or leave a message to the Principal or class adviser to report your child’s absence and state the reason why. For absences 3 days or more, a medical certificate is required to be submitted to the class adviser.
How are the parents made aware of their children’s progress?
We schedule regular parent teacher conferences especially during card giving to discuss and evaluate the performance of your children. You may also set an appointment with the teachers for updates on their progress
What do I do if I have to pick my child early from school?
Any parent or guardian requesting to have their child released prior to dismissal must coordinate with the Principal /Dept Head and must state the reason for the early release.
Fill up the Off campus Pass /Medical-Dental pass/Excuse slip on the student diary as the case maybe and secure the signatures of the authorized faculty members.
You will be required to present a valid identification card (driver’s license, company ID or other form of picture ID) as identification if not personally known to the Homeroom adviser / Department Head or Principal.
When is a student sent home?
A student who exhibits the following conditions specifically high fever, vomiting or diarrhea, body rash, pink /red eye, chronic cough or injury that needs medical attention, will be excused from class. In such cases, parents /guardians will be requested to pick up their child at the clinic.
What happens if my child had an accident in school?
Our medical personnel are trained to give first aid treatment to students who are injured. If the injury is serious, we will immediately seek medical assistance from our accredited clinics/ hospitals. At the same time, we will also inform the parents of the child’s condition.
We are going on a vacation; Can I have all of my child’s homework?
With proper coordination, the teacher may provide you the things that your child may miss during his/her vacation. However, your child will likely have other things to make up when he/she gets back.
Where do I go to locate lost items? / Where can I find lost and found items?
Lost items may be claimed at the office of the Principal. Student will be requested to properly identify said items before they are released. Unclaimed items after a reasonable period of time will be disposed of appropriately.
Can I park in school?
Yes, you may park your car at the designated parking lot but for a maximum of 1 hour only unless you have prior arrangements.
What do I do if I need to see a teacher?
Kindly coordinate with the Principal your request to see the teacher /adviser. All consultations must be done after class.
Can my child take the bicycle/ motorcycle to school?
We do not encourage students to bring their bikes /motorcycle in school since we have a very limited space and no bicycle/motorcycle racks for safekeeping of these transport vehicles.
Can I celebrate my child’s birthday in school?
With proper coordination and a request approved by the Principal, the child may celebrate his birthday in school only during the break /lunch time.